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vodex.loaders module

This module contains classes for loading and collecting information from various file types.

It includes:

'Loader' - A generic class for loading files. Can be subclassed to create custom loaders for different file types.

'TiffLoader' - A class for working with TIFF image files. A subclass of Loader, it can be used to determine the data type of the images, the number of frames in each TIFF file, and load frames from TIFF files.

Additional loaders can be created to work with other file types. See Contributions for details.


Bases: ABC

The Loader class is a generic class that serves as a template for loading image data from specific file types. The class contains basic methods that need to be overwritten to create a custom loader for a specific file type.

Any loader must be initialised by providing an example file from the dataset.

Args: file_example: an example file from the dataset to infer the frame size and data type.


Name Type Description
frame_size Tuple[int, int]

a tuple containing the individual frame size (height, width)

data_type dtype

the datatype of the image frames.

Source code in src/vodex/
class Loader(ABC):
    The Loader class is a generic class that serves as a template for
    loading image data from specific file types. The class contains basic
    methods that need to be overwritten to create a custom loader for a
    specific file type.

    Any loader must be initialised by providing an example file from the

    Args: file_example: an example file from the dataset to infer the frame
    size and data type.

        frame_size: a tuple containing the individual frame size (height, width)
        data_type: the datatype of the image frames.

    def __init__(self, file_example: Union[str, Path]):

        self.frame_size: Tuple[int, int] = self.get_frame_size(file_example)
        self.data_type: np.dtype = self.get_frame_dtype(file_example)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Compares two loader instances for equality."
        raise TypeError(f"__eq__ is Not Implemented for {type(self).__name__} and {type(other).__name__}")

    def get_frames_in_file(file: Union[str, Path]) -> int:
        Computes and returns the number of frames in a file.

            file: the path to the file to get the number of frames for.
            the number of frames in the file.

    def get_frame_size(file: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        Returns the size of an individual frame (height, width) in pixels.

            file: the path to the file to get the size of the frame for.
            ( height , width ) height and width of an individual frame in pixels.

    def get_frame_dtype(file: Union[str, Path]) -> np.dtype:
        Returns the datatype of the image frames.

            file: the path to the file to get the datatype of the frame for.
            datatype of the frame.

    def load_frames(self, frames: List[int], files: Union[List[str], List[Path]],
                    show_file_names: bool = False, show_progress: bool = True) -> npt.NDArray:
        Loads the specified frames from the given files and returns them as a 3D array (frame, y, x).

            frames: list of frames inside corresponding files to load
            files: list of files corresponding to each frame
            show_file_names: whether to print the file from which the frames are loaded on the screen.
            show_progress: whether to show the progress bar of how many frames have been loaded.
            3D array of requested frames (frame, y, x)


Compares two loader instances for equality."

Source code in src/vodex/
def __eq__(self, other):
    Compares two loader instances for equality."
    raise TypeError(f"__eq__ is Not Implemented for {type(self).__name__} and {type(other).__name__}")

get_frame_dtype(file) abstractmethod staticmethod

Returns the datatype of the image frames.


Name Type Description Default
file Union[str, Path]

the path to the file to get the datatype of the frame for.


Returns: datatype of the frame.

Source code in src/vodex/
def get_frame_dtype(file: Union[str, Path]) -> np.dtype:
    Returns the datatype of the image frames.

        file: the path to the file to get the datatype of the frame for.
        datatype of the frame.

get_frame_size(file) abstractmethod staticmethod

Returns the size of an individual frame (height, width) in pixels.


Name Type Description Default
file Union[str, Path]

the path to the file to get the size of the frame for.


Returns: ( height , width ) height and width of an individual frame in pixels.

Source code in src/vodex/
def get_frame_size(file: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Returns the size of an individual frame (height, width) in pixels.

        file: the path to the file to get the size of the frame for.
        ( height , width ) height and width of an individual frame in pixels.

get_frames_in_file(file) abstractmethod staticmethod

Computes and returns the number of frames in a file.


Name Type Description Default
file Union[str, Path]

the path to the file to get the number of frames for.


Returns: the number of frames in the file.

Source code in src/vodex/
def get_frames_in_file(file: Union[str, Path]) -> int:
    Computes and returns the number of frames in a file.

        file: the path to the file to get the number of frames for.
        the number of frames in the file.

load_frames(frames, files, show_file_names=False, show_progress=True) abstractmethod

Loads the specified frames from the given files and returns them as a 3D array (frame, y, x).


Name Type Description Default
frames List[int]

list of frames inside corresponding files to load

files Union[List[str], List[Path]]

list of files corresponding to each frame

show_file_names bool

whether to print the file from which the frames are loaded on the screen.

show_progress bool

whether to show the progress bar of how many frames have been loaded.


Returns: 3D array of requested frames (frame, y, x)

Source code in src/vodex/
def load_frames(self, frames: List[int], files: Union[List[str], List[Path]],
                show_file_names: bool = False, show_progress: bool = True) -> npt.NDArray:
    Loads the specified frames from the given files and returns them as a 3D array (frame, y, x).

        frames: list of frames inside corresponding files to load
        files: list of files corresponding to each frame
        show_file_names: whether to print the file from which the frames are loaded on the screen.
        show_progress: whether to show the progress bar of how many frames have been loaded.
        3D array of requested frames (frame, y, x)


Bases: Loader

A class to work with tiff image files. It is used to get the datatype of the images, get the number of frames in each tiff file and load frames from tiff files. You can create your own loaders to work with other file types.


Name Type Description Default
file_example Union[str, Path]

An example tif file from the dataset to infer the frame size and data type.



Name Type Description

individual frame size (hight, width).



Source code in src/vodex/
class TiffLoader(Loader):
    A class to work with tiff image files.
    It is used to get the datatype of the images, get the number
    of frames in each tiff file and load frames from tiff files.
    You can create your own loaders to work with other file types.

        file_example: An example tif file from the dataset
            to infer the frame size and data type.

        frame_size: individual frame size (hight, width).
        data_type: datatype.

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, TiffLoader):
            same_fs = self.frame_size == other.frame_size
            same_dt = self.data_type == other.data_type
            return same_fs and same_dt

            print(f"__eq__ is Not Implemented for {TiffLoader} and {type(other)}")
            return NotImplemented

    def get_frames_in_file(file: Union[str, Path]) -> int:
        Compute and return the number of frames in a file.

            file: the name of a file relative to data_dir to get the number of frames for.
            the number of frames in the file.
        # TODO : try-catch here ?
        # setting multifile to false since sometimes there is a problem with the corrupted metadata
        # not using metadata, since for some files it is corrupted for unknown reason ...
        stack = TiffFile(file, _multifile=False)
        n_frames = len(stack.pages)

        return n_frames

    def get_frame_size(file: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        Gets frame size ( height , width ) from a tiff file.

            file: the path to the file to get the size of the frame for.
            ( height , width ) height and width of an individual frame in pixels.
        # TODO : try-catch here ?
        # setting multifile to false since sometimes there is a problem with the corrupted metadata
        # not using metadate, since for some files it is corrupted for unknown reason ...
        stack = TiffFile(file, _multifile=False)
        page = stack.pages.get(0)
        h, w = page.shape
        return h, w

    def get_frame_dtype(file: Union[str, Path]) -> np.dtype:
        Gets the datatype of the frame.

            file: the path to the file to get the datatype of the frame for.
            datatype of the frame.
        # TODO : try-catch here ?
        # setting multifile to false since sometimes there is a problem with the corrupted metadata
        # not using metadate, since for some files it is corrupted for unknown reason ...
        stack = TiffFile(file, _multifile=False)
        page = stack.pages.get(0)
        data_type = page.dtype
        return data_type

    def load_frames(self, frames: List[int], files: Union[List[str], List[Path]],
                    show_file_names: bool = False, show_progress: bool = True) -> npt.NDArray:
        Load frames from files and return as an array (frame, y, x).

            frames: list of frames inside corresponding files to load
            files: list of files corresponding to each frame
            show_file_names: whether to print the file from which the frames are loaded on the screen.
            show_progress: whether to show the progress bar of how many frames have been loaded.
            3D array of requested frames (frame, y, x)

        def print_file_name():
            if show_file_names:
                print(f'Loading from file:\n {tif_file}')

        if show_file_names:
            # Setting show_progress to False, show_progress can't be True when show_file_names is True
            if show_progress:
                show_progress = False
        hide_progress = not show_progress

        # prepare an empty array:
        h, w = self.frame_size
        img = np.zeros((len(frames), h, w), dtype=self.data_type)

        # initialise tif file and open the stack
        tif_file = files[0]
        stack = TiffFile(tif_file, _multifile=False)

        for i, frame in enumerate(tqdm(frames, disable=hide_progress, unit='frames')):
            # check if the frame belongs to an opened file
            if files[i] != tif_file:
                # switch to a different file
                tif_file = files[i]
                stack = TiffFile(tif_file, _multifile=False)
            img[i, :, :] = stack.asarray(frame)
        return img

get_frame_dtype(file) staticmethod

Gets the datatype of the frame.


Name Type Description Default
file Union[str, Path]

the path to the file to get the datatype of the frame for.


Returns: datatype of the frame.

Source code in src/vodex/
def get_frame_dtype(file: Union[str, Path]) -> np.dtype:
    Gets the datatype of the frame.

        file: the path to the file to get the datatype of the frame for.
        datatype of the frame.
    # TODO : try-catch here ?
    # setting multifile to false since sometimes there is a problem with the corrupted metadata
    # not using metadate, since for some files it is corrupted for unknown reason ...
    stack = TiffFile(file, _multifile=False)
    page = stack.pages.get(0)
    data_type = page.dtype
    return data_type

get_frame_size(file) staticmethod

Gets frame size ( height , width ) from a tiff file.


Name Type Description Default
file Union[str, Path]

the path to the file to get the size of the frame for.


Returns: ( height , width ) height and width of an individual frame in pixels.

Source code in src/vodex/
def get_frame_size(file: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Gets frame size ( height , width ) from a tiff file.

        file: the path to the file to get the size of the frame for.
        ( height , width ) height and width of an individual frame in pixels.
    # TODO : try-catch here ?
    # setting multifile to false since sometimes there is a problem with the corrupted metadata
    # not using metadate, since for some files it is corrupted for unknown reason ...
    stack = TiffFile(file, _multifile=False)
    page = stack.pages.get(0)
    h, w = page.shape
    return h, w

get_frames_in_file(file) staticmethod

Compute and return the number of frames in a file.


Name Type Description Default
file Union[str, Path]

the name of a file relative to data_dir to get the number of frames for.


Returns: the number of frames in the file.

Source code in src/vodex/
def get_frames_in_file(file: Union[str, Path]) -> int:
    Compute and return the number of frames in a file.

        file: the name of a file relative to data_dir to get the number of frames for.
        the number of frames in the file.
    # TODO : try-catch here ?
    # setting multifile to false since sometimes there is a problem with the corrupted metadata
    # not using metadata, since for some files it is corrupted for unknown reason ...
    stack = TiffFile(file, _multifile=False)
    n_frames = len(stack.pages)

    return n_frames

load_frames(frames, files, show_file_names=False, show_progress=True)

Load frames from files and return as an array (frame, y, x).


Name Type Description Default
frames List[int]

list of frames inside corresponding files to load

files Union[List[str], List[Path]]

list of files corresponding to each frame

show_file_names bool

whether to print the file from which the frames are loaded on the screen.

show_progress bool

whether to show the progress bar of how many frames have been loaded.


Returns: 3D array of requested frames (frame, y, x)

Source code in src/vodex/
def load_frames(self, frames: List[int], files: Union[List[str], List[Path]],
                show_file_names: bool = False, show_progress: bool = True) -> npt.NDArray:
    Load frames from files and return as an array (frame, y, x).

        frames: list of frames inside corresponding files to load
        files: list of files corresponding to each frame
        show_file_names: whether to print the file from which the frames are loaded on the screen.
        show_progress: whether to show the progress bar of how many frames have been loaded.
        3D array of requested frames (frame, y, x)

    def print_file_name():
        if show_file_names:
            print(f'Loading from file:\n {tif_file}')

    if show_file_names:
        # Setting show_progress to False, show_progress can't be True when show_file_names is True
        if show_progress:
            show_progress = False
    hide_progress = not show_progress

    # prepare an empty array:
    h, w = self.frame_size
    img = np.zeros((len(frames), h, w), dtype=self.data_type)

    # initialise tif file and open the stack
    tif_file = files[0]
    stack = TiffFile(tif_file, _multifile=False)

    for i, frame in enumerate(tqdm(frames, disable=hide_progress, unit='frames')):
        # check if the frame belongs to an opened file
        if files[i] != tif_file:
            # switch to a different file
            tif_file = files[i]
            stack = TiffFile(tif_file, _multifile=False)
        img[i, :, :] = stack.asarray(frame)
    return img