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Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox, please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.

Don't know how to contribute? Here are some ides:

Add support for new image types

Currently vodex only supports TIFF images, but you can add support for other image types.

I will try to create a more detailed description, but in a nutshell this can be done as follows:

To add support for a new image type, you will need to create a new loader class in vodex.loaders module. Modify the Loader class by subclassing it and filling out the implementation of get_frame_dtype, get_frame_size, get_frames_in_file and load_frames methods. It is important that these methods have the inputs and outputs as specified in Loader.

Once you have created the new class, you need to add your new supported file types, extensions and the corresponding loader that you implemented to the VX_SUPPORTED_TYPES, VX_EXTENSION_TO_TYPE and VX_EXTENSION_TO_LOADER dictionaries at the beginning of the vodex.core module.

After this is done, vodex and napari-vodex should be able to work with your image format!

Add Experiment initialization from a .yaml config file

Currently a new experiment is initialized with a python script. This is sometimes not convenient, and it would be great to have an initialization from a .yaml config file as an option. You can modify Experiment to add something like a from_config method (or whichever way you wish to name it) :)